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Call us: +47 950 23 152
Our team is available to take your call weekdays from 09.00 CET (9.00am) to 18.00 CET (6.00pm) and weekends from 10.00 CET (10.00am) to 16.00 CET (4.00pm). You can also send us an e-mail at any time, and we promise to answer latest within 1 working day.
We love Nordic adventures and can't wait to share our world with you! Whatever your concern, we will help you all the way. Don’t hesitate to contact us, we look forward to help you create your dream holiday.
Booknordics.com is a member of the Norwegian Travel Guarantee Fund. This means that in the unlikely event of bankruptcy of an adventure provider or even our company, you are entitled to a refund via the Norwegian Travel Guarantee Fund as per regulations set forth in the European Package Travel Directive.
Congratulations on booking your next Nordic Adventure!